Feeling stuck? – Try these tips below

Claire HarrisClaire Harris's" picture

By Claire Harris

Mon Sep 30 2024

Claire Harris's" picture

Procrastination, tiredness and the nights drawing in are all reasons why you may feel a bit sluggish, or even stuck, at this time of year. There are lots of thing you can try to reduce these feelings and take action.

Try the Pomodoro technique – This is a time management method where you do focused work for 25-minutes, and take a five-minute break. As humans, we are not designed physically or mentally to sit at our desks for long periods of time. This technique will improve your focus, minimise distractions and prevent burnout. It will also help you incorporate additional movement into your day. What are you waiting for? Set that timer and work away.

Try an opposite action – When our emotions don’t fit the facts, or feel overwhelming, try doing the opposite of what you are feeling. This teaches behavioural flexibility, allowing people to choose their actions deliberately rather than reacting. it can help you get unstuck from unfavourable emotions.

If you are procrastinating on a task – start it immediately

Instead of avoiding something – Speak up and express yourself

What to curl up on the sofa – Get up and move ( you will feel instantly better)

Want to hid away – Reach out to someone for support.

Get exposure to natural light when you can – Exposure to natural light helps our bodes to produce vitamin D (needed to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy). It improves our circadian rhythms and sleep patterns. It will help us focus our attention, be more productive and can boost our mood. It is vital for physical and psychological wellbeing. Try a walk before work, at lunch or after work before it gets dark.

Photo credit: The beautiful Bellatrix is starting to develop her winter coat and running the risk of getting stuck in her usual places.